Friday, February 19, 2010

On Hollis' six month check-up the doctor found a heart murmur. My heart sunk. "A heart murmur?!" He assured me it was a very common thing and said that he would just check on it at his nine month appointment. Nine month appointment rolled around, it's still there. "Still there?!" Then he proceeds to tell me that "They very rarely patch them." "Patch them? You mean heart surgery?!" I don't know anything about these things. I was scared, but faithful. Then he told me that he would make an appointment at Children's to see a cardiologist.Those are scary words for a mother. We were then put on a waiting list. Yesterday while mopping the kitchen they called. "Can you be here at 8:30?" "We'll be there." Children's is a very well oiled machine. Everything is so smooth. You see, we've been there before, for his hernia surgery when he was two months old. Two visits in his short 10 month existence. I wanted to make this his last. There were many sick children who weren't smiling at everyone like Hollis. Transplant patients mainly. I felt guilty for having a healthy child. They did an EKG. Then we waited for the cardiologist. She came in and listened and listened. She then said,"He has a perfectly normal heart. These thing happen all the time." Praise you Jesus!!!!! My mother and I commented on the way to the elevator that some of these people won't be leaving with perfectly normal healthy children. Pray for those children that are sick. Here's Hollis today. Healthy and beautiful!

1 comment:

  1. What a great testimony he will have to share with others when he is older - that's wonderful news!
