Tuesday, April 19, 2011

    So, we're waiting on Leila to make her grand entrance. I'm due on Saturday, but I'm not expecting anything. With Hollis I went to 41w and 3d and that's as far as she would let me, then he STILL didn't want to come out and they had to cut him out. So, we'll see if she's as stubborn as him. I've been doing pretty good, but I'm starting to get impatient.(Insert prayer for me here) ;)
    This past couple of weeks has been rough. First, my grandfather decided after 49 years of marriage that he no longer wanted to be with my grandmother and left. Talk about something you didn't see coming!! I am fortunate enough that I haven't had to deal with divorce in my life, and let me tell you I'm not sure how to. Then I got a phone call that my lifelong best friend's brother had been killed. What?!  Then, Dane had a doctor's appointment this week because his hip has been giving him trouble for about a year and the potential diagnosis was shocking and not good. He has an MRI coming up to confirm the diagnosis. I'll post more about that when we know more.This week has been filled with trying to understand God's timing and finally giving up because He's the master and we don't have to understand. So, anyway, my faith is really being tested between all of this and waiting on Leila. But the truth is, I feel like I can handle it better now then I could have a year ago.These things are the good that has come out of these stressful situations: I feel like we've made some really good, lifelong friends recently. In the past, Dane and I haven't handled stress well in our relationship, but this time we are doing well. God has shown me the progress being made in all the important relationships in my life. What a blessing.

1 comment:

  1. Praying for you guys. What awful timing--at least it seems like it. If you want to let baby L live with us for a bit, I would LOVE it!! :) :) :)
