Saturday, April 2, 2011

    I'm sitting in my chair, it's 8:00 in the morning, Hollis is doing his "sleepy song" in bed (he has done this since he was six months old, he rocks and hums, it's how he gets to sleep and wakes up.), and I'm just realizing, there will not be many more days like this. Soon Leila will have gotten me up long before Hollis does. I look at that before me and smile. What joy our children bring us. Even in the hard times. Even when your body is begging for just one more hour of sleep. Remember that feeling? So tired, but wishing your newborn would wake up so you can see them again. I think that is how God see us. Well, aside form the exhausted part. Wishing that we would open our eyes to spend more time with him. Not wanting us to lose our childlike innocence. Relying fully on him. In fact, being helpless without him. I'm working on that. It's so hard to separate God's reality from society. Society tells me that I can do anything I want to. It also tells me that the only thing that matters is my happiness. This is the opposite of the truth. We should be diving head first into the plans that he has for us. The problem is that now we have to listen so much harder because this world has become so corrupt. We can barely hear his whisper above the shouting of society. Listen closely though. He's still there. He's never gone. He's still waiting for us to open our "newborn" eyes to spending time with him.

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