Friday, May 14, 2010

Pioneer Days?

Dane has some time off in a few days. Nine days off in a row!!! I'm excited but I always feel like we have a million things to do on his time off. We have to go here to see them, then go here to see them, then we have this chore and that chore to do. I have to say I wish families still lived all together. You know like the Amish still do. I would love this. Then we would see our families all the time, and be closer with them, and when we do have time off, then we could actually relax instead of feeling like we have to divide the time equally between families. I love to see our families, I just don't feel like we do it right anymore. Families are supposed to be close-nit. When did moving across the country from out loved ones start?  This is the norm now. Now we cram as much time in together as we can in two or three days, leaving everyone exhausted, and irritated. In the past, families worked together and played together, I'm sure they had their fights, but they were forced to deal with it. Instead of bottling it up like we do, worrying about hurting everyone's feelings. I wish we could all be honest with each other. I hate tip-toeing around everybody. I feel like we should be able to give constructive criticism. In fact, I think it should be expected as a sign of our love for one another. "Edifying" as the bible says. I don't know about you, but I want to know my faults. I want to be a better person. I like to make people happy, and if I'm irritating you, I want to know. Well, I've kind of gotten off subject here. Oh well, I'm  just rambling anyway. Have a good day.

1 comment:

  1. Yikes! I think you've found a soap box today. Hope Dane's time off is nice and relaxing afterall.=)
