Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Hollis (Hollywood, as his daddy calls him) is getting so big. I can tell something is about to happen because he's just been a little off lately. You know how they get kinda fussy and disagreeable right before they start something new. I don't know if it's teeth or if he's about to walk. Either way, this kid puffs me up! I mean it, I am ONE PROUD MAMA! His communication skills are out of this world. He is saying so many things. Here's a list (as if you care, but hey, I'm not twisting your arm): Daddy (his #1), Mama, baby, down, thank you, ball, night night, eat, moo, moon, bird, dog. He also can sign: please, eat, thank you, more. He's made up his own signs for: passy, blanket. Folks, he's going to be a year old next week. Tell me he's not a genius baby. I know, I know, every mother thinks her baby is the smartest, but mine REALLY is. He also asks me for permission...sometimes;) So, I've turned out to be a softy in the discipline department. I've always said, I'll be a strict disciplinarian, but the little boy melts my heart. Thanks for tuning in to BRAG FEST 2010. There will probably be another one soon.

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait for the party on Sunday--does Hollis have any birthday requests? I want to see you guys soon--are you going to Toadsuck Friday? Let me know either way, maybe we can arrange similar plans :)
